Hopper Resource

The Best
Cover Photo

Creating a lasting impression on your clients is important, learn how you can do that with your HopperFit cover photo!

Your Business

Follow these Do's and Don'ts to get your business off the ground and running by giving it a name, describing what you do and using search words!

More Content =
More Clients

Learn how showing photos & videos on your page will build trust among new clients and entice them to train with you!

Creating and Managing Your Schedule

Schedule your day with us, so clients can schedule their day with you!

Onboard Your Existing Clients To The App

Onboarding your new and existing clients is crucial to make sure that your clients are able to view your profile and book with you on the app!

Communicating With Booked Clients

Communicating with clients that have booked with you is critical in maintaining and building a good relationship with them!

Training Day!

We're here to give you the breakdown of everything you need to know for training day with your clients!